[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-484, 1.13
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-484
obs_date: 10/24/2019
obs_time: 07:00 AM
Submitted: Thursday, October 24, 2019
staname: Evergreen 1.8 N
Latitude: 39.659976
Longitude: -105.3404
location: True
TotalPcpn: 1.13
PcpnDurationAmt: 1.13
in past: 840
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 12.0
NewSnowDepth: 16.5
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-484, 0.58
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-484
obs_date: 10/23/2019
obs_time: 08:35 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, October 23, 2019
staname: Evergreen 1.8 N
Latitude: 39.659976
Longitude: -105.3404
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.58
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.58
in past: 210
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 8.0
NewSnowDepth: 8.0
Notes: highest snowfall rate measured of 2.4 in/hr measured between 5:50-6:55 pm
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-501, NA
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-501
obs_date: 10/10/2019
obs_time: 12:00 PM
Submitted: Thursday, October 10, 2019
staname: Westminster 1.9 N
Latitude: 39.908022
Longitude: -105.056463
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 360
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 3.9
NewSnowDepth: 3.9
Notes: Measured six hour new snow 12-18Z and storm total.
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-500
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-500
obs_date: 10/09/2019
obs_time: 08:35
Submitted: Thursday, October 10, 2019
staname: LOV 3.8 S
Latitude: 40.3666
Longitude: -105.0992
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Hard
damage: no damage
comments: NO RAIN!! Hail began tapering off after about 20 minutes and became tiny ice flakes, not really snow. This went on until at least 9:15. Hail in rain gauge (inner cylinder) =.15
duration: 20
accuracy: 10min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started:
Largest hail started: Before smaller hail
depth: .5
samples: False
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-104
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-104
obs_date: 10/10/2019
obs_time: 12:00
Submitted: Thursday, October 10, 2019
staname: Loveland 3.0 NNE
Latitude: 40.4407
Longitude: -105.0619
location: True
am_pm: AM
largest: 0.500
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Mixed
damage: shredded leaves
comments: Wasn't expecting hail, so didn't get hail pad out. Some hailstones preserved in outer cylinder of rain gauge at 7:00 AM observation; took quite a while to melt. Preceded by heavy, near continuous lightning/thunder beginning about 8:30 PM, continuing ~30 minutes
duration: 15
accuracy: 3min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started:
angle: 30-40
samples: False
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-922
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-922
obs_date: 10/10/2019
obs_time: 05:56
Submitted: Thursday, October 10, 2019
staname: Berthoud 4.4 WSW
Latitude: 40.2843
Longitude: -105.1608
location: True
am_pm: AM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Soft
damage: no damage
comments: Hail at 22 degrees! Looks like some near 40 dbZ radar returns passed overhead right at hail time. Quickly turned to heavy snow after initial hail.
duration: 2
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
samples: False
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-36
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-36
obs_date: 10/09/2019
obs_time: 09:03
Submitted: Wednesday, October 09, 2019
staname: Timnath 4.1 NNE
Latitude: 40.587251
Longitude: -104.963004
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.375
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Hard, White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: Thunder, lightning, hail... no rain at all. 0 to 6 minutes, steady, intense pea size. At 7-8minutes starts to be more like small ice pellets... not really sure how to classify. At 9 minutes back to rice/pea size and more intense. At 12 minutes still hailing continuously. Ground is now covered. Wind, lightning and thunder are continuing.
duration: 11
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: Before rain
Largest hail started: Before smaller hail
angle: 10-20
samples: False
5 years, 4 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-922
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-922
obs_date: 10/09/2019
obs_time: 08:31
Submitted: Wednesday, October 09, 2019
staname: Berthoud 4.4 WSW
Latitude: 40.2843
Longitude: -105.1608
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Soft
damage: no damage
comments: Started as sleet/pellets, but switched to predominantly small hail for a short time.
duration: 4
timing: Intermittent
more rain: False
hail started: Same time as rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
samples: False
5 years, 4 months