[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-AD-100, T
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-AD-100
obs_date: 05/16/2019
obs_time: 03:33 PM
Submitted: Thursday, May 16, 2019
staname: Thornton 2.1 N
Latitude: 39.9222750546
Longitude: -104.95539994
location: True
TotalPcpn: T
PcpnDurationAmt: T
in past: 17
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 0.0
NewSnowDepth: 0.0
Notes: Wind alert : was working in backyard, cloudy but calm to under 10 mph, then at 3:32, a few drops, a moment later sudden gust of wind 35 mph SW. Winds diminished back to under 12 mph by 3:50.
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-36
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-36
obs_date: 05/09/2019
obs_time: 04:40
Submitted: Thursday, May 09, 2019
staname: Timnath 4.1 NNE
Latitude: 40.587251
Longitude: -104.963004
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Hard, White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: Mix of rain and snow all day. Then a brief bit of snow, followed by fast, constant, dense hail! Had a slight 10 second break and then heavy again, but slightly smaller.
duration: 2
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started:
Largest hail started: Before smaller hail
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-653
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-653
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 07:39
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: Fort Collins 3.4 N
Latitude: 40.6051
Longitude: -105.0638
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.100
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Hard, White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: For 6 minutes about 15 rice sized hard white hail stones fell onto the sidewalk I was observing. It was raining so hard that at first I did not notice that a tiny, tiny bit of hail mixed in with the rain. Had I not been observing I would have not known that any hail fell.
duration: 6
accuracy: 2min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
angle: 30-40
num_stones: 15
depth: 0.0
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-260
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-260
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 07:45
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: FCL 1.5 WSW
Latitude: 40.5707
Longitude: -105.1121
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: NA
smallest: NA
average: 0.250
comments: Hail mostly covered the grass
duration: 15
accuracy: 2min
more rain: False
hail started:
Largest hail started:
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-JF-81
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-81
obs_date: 05/07/2019
obs_time: 12:30
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: Conifer 3.9 SE
Latitude: 39.48388
Longitude: -105.2434
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Mixed
damage: minor leaf damage
duration: 10
accuracy: 2min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: Before rain
Largest hail started: Before smaller hail
angle: 10-20
depth: 0.3
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-825
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-825
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 07:55
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: Fort Collins 2.4 NNW
Latitude: 40.587174
Longitude: -105.086279
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Soft, White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: No hail pad
duration: 5
accuracy: 2min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
angle: 10-20
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-255
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-255
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 07:42
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: FCL
Latitude: 40.5759
Longitude: -105.0858
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Mixed, Clear Ice, White Ice
damage: minor leaf damage
duration: 16
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-LR-320
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-320
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 07:45
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: FCL 1.7 SW
Latitude: 40.557
Longitude: -105.1086
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Mixed, White Ice
damage: no damage
duration: 5
accuracy: 2min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
angle: 10-20
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-JF-399
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-399
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 06:34
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: Westminster 1.7 NNW
Latitude: 39.9055099487305
Longitude: -105.057167053223
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: Hard
damage: minor leaf damage
duration: 7
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
angle: 10-20
samples: False
5 years, 8 months
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-AD-100
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-AD-100
obs_date: 05/06/2019
obs_time: 06:47
Submitted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019
staname: Thornton 2.1 N
Latitude: 39.9222750546
Longitude: -104.95539994
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.375
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.250
consistency: White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: 18:47 heavy rain suddenly mixed w/ hail Some irregular hail up to 0.4" on snow ruler, most more round and 0.2" or so. Smaller hail first, increasing in size. Hail ended 18:53, heavy rain continued.
duration: 6
accuracy: 1min
more rain: True
hail started: Same time as rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
angle: 10-20
samples: False
5 years, 8 months