[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-273, NA
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-273
obs_date: 02/24/2020
obs_time: 07:47 AM
Submitted: Monday, February 24, 2020
staname: FCL 2.2 NW
Latitude: 40.599849
Longitude: -105.115094
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 0
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: NA
NewSnowDepth: NA
Notes: Snow squall ended abruptly about two minutes ago. Ended up with about 3/4 of an inch of snow. It was crazy there for a while when you couldn't see a thing
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-273, 0.03
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-273
obs_date: 02/24/2020
obs_time: 07:30 AM
Submitted: Monday, February 24, 2020
staname: FCL 2.2 NW
Latitude: 40.599849
Longitude: -105.115094
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.03
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.03
in past: 25
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 0.5
NewSnowDepth: 0.3
Notes: I don't recall hearing the word blizzard in the weather forecast for today. That's what we're having right now - heavy snow very strong winds blowing and drifting snow Began just after 7 AM. Visibility currently less than 1/8 of a mile
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-273, NA
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-273
obs_date: 02/10/2020
obs_time: 08:05 PM
Submitted: Monday, February 10, 2020
staname: FCL 2.2 NW
Latitude: 40.599849
Longitude: -105.115094
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 35
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 5.0
NewSnowDepth: 1.6
Notes: Snow began very lightly around 3:30 PM it's just a few tenths of an inch of accumulation by evening. Then a burst of very heavy snow started before 7:30 PM and dropped over 1" in 20 minutes. Gorgeous huge conglomerate flakes. Now it changed to very small crystals and has decreased markedly in intensity. At least 3 inches of new snow has fallen this evening
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-1196, NA
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-LR-1196
obs_date: 02/07/2020
obs_time: 07:00 PM
Submitted: Friday, February 7, 2020
staname: Fort Collins 2.5 NW
Latitude: 40.580632
Longitude: -105.103353
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 720
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: NA
NewSnowDepth: 3.6
Notes: 3.6" snow since this morning, at least half of which has fallen from 5:30-7pm
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-267, NA
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-267
obs_date: 02/07/2020
obs_time: 03:00 PM
Submitted: Friday, February 7, 2020
staname: Golden 9.4 WNW
Latitude: 39.77385
Longitude: -105.38644
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 0
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: NA
NewSnowDepth: 10.0
Notes: 10 more inches of snow have fallen since 7 AM and it's still coming! Did not melt a core.
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-484, 0.98
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-484
obs_date: 02/07/2020
obs_time: 02:00 PM
Submitted: Friday, February 7, 2020
staname: Evergreen 1.8 N
Latitude: 39.659976
Longitude: -105.3404
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.98
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.17
in past: 120
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 15.5
NewSnowDepth: 3.4
Notes: still snowing hard!
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-484, 0.81
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-484
obs_date: 02/07/2020
obs_time: 12:00 PM
Submitted: Friday, February 7, 2020
staname: Evergreen 1.8 N
Latitude: 39.659976
Longitude: -105.3404
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.81
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.12
in past: 100
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 12.5
NewSnowDepth: 2.7
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-484, 0.69
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-JF-484
obs_date: 02/07/2020
obs_time: 10:20 AM
Submitted: Friday, February 7, 2020
staname: Evergreen 1.8 N
Latitude: 39.659976
Longitude: -105.3404
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.69
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.17
in past: 120
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 10.0
NewSnowDepth: 3.4
5 years
[Cocorahs] CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, NA
by info@cocorahs.org
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 02/03/2020
obs_time: 10:00 PM
Submitted: Monday, February 3, 2020
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 900
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 3.2
NewSnowDepth: 4.5
Notes: snow got quite light after 3pm with only a couple of tenths between 3-~7pm, then snow increased for awhile but back to S- now. 1.4 fell between 5-10pm. Haven't melted it but quite fluffy and despite the cold settled to 3-3.5 on the lawn.
5 years