CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BR-54, 0.16
number: CO-BR-54
obs_date: 01/27/2022
obs_time: 02:00 PM
Submitted: Thursday, January 27, 2022
staname: Broomfield 2.4 ESE
Latitude: 39.9256
Longitude: -105.0223
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.16
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.16
in past: 420
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 4.5
NewSnowDepth: 2.4
Notes: The snow started just after 8:00am. New snowfall depth of 2.4" measurement was taken at 12:30pm, a few minutes after the last of the moderate/heavy snow ended, and a few minutes before the last of the light flurries ended. By the time I took the gauge catch measurement at 2:00pm, nearly an inch of snow depth had already melted off my snow board.
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-DN-309, NA
number: CO-DN-309
obs_date: 01/27/2022
obs_time: 12:45 PM
Submitted: Thursday, January 27, 2022
staname: Denver 1.3 WSW
Latitude: 39.720106
Longitude: -104.983629
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 300
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 5.5
NewSnowDepth: 3.0
Notes: Snow began btw 810-825a.
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, NA
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 01/27/2022
obs_time: 12:05 PM
Submitted: Thursday, January 27, 2022
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 240
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 9.0
NewSnowDepth: 3.5
Notes: Depth varies from min of 6 in areas of total sun to around 10. S-- began at 0815, S- by 0840 then increased to S, ocnl S+ from 0850 until a last burst of S+ near 1145. Then a sudden decrease, S-- at noon with sun dimly visible. Had been a period of gusty N-NE winds about 1030-1130 or so.
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-104, NA
number: CO-LR-104
obs_date: 01/27/2022
obs_time: 07:26 AM
Submitted: Thursday, January 27, 2022
staname: Loveland 3.0 NNE
Latitude: 40.4407
Longitude: -105.0619
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 0
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: NA
NewSnowDepth: NA
Notes: Moderate snowfall began 7:26 AM
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BR-54, 0.23
number: CO-BR-54
obs_date: 01/25/2022
obs_time: 02:15 PM
Submitted: Tuesday, January 25, 2022
staname: Broomfield 2.4 ESE
Latitude: 39.9256
Longitude: -105.0223
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.23
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.18
in past: 420
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 3.0
NewSnowDepth: 2.4
Notes: Storm total snow accumulation 3.0", storm total SWE 0.23". Snow depth measurement taken at noon, when it was still snowing lightly. Snow tapered off and ended by 12:30pm or so. By 2:15pm when I took the gauge measurement, about 0.9" of snow accumulation on my snow board had already melted from noon. Hoping I didn't lose much to evaporation in the gauge between noon and 2:15pm, since it was still mostly snow/slush in there.
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, NA
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 01/25/2022
obs_time: 12:30 PM
Submitted: Tuesday, January 25, 2022
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.33
in past: 600
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 7.0
NewSnowDepth: 4.7
Notes: Snow pretty much over as of noon. Began ~2am, by 0700 had 1.3"/0.12 melted, then by noon another 3.4/0.21". Had some blowing snow and drifting ~0900-1100
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-922, 0.38
number: CO-LR-922
obs_date: 01/25/2022
obs_time: 12:20 PM
Submitted: Tuesday, January 25, 2022
staname: Berthoud 4.4 WSW
Latitude: 40.2843
Longitude: -105.1608
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.38
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.38
in past: 600
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 5.5
NewSnowDepth: 4.5
Notes: Snow started a little after 2am, heaviest from 5am-815am. Total snow accumulation from this event is 4.5", with a total of 5.5" snow depth as 1" was on the ground from snow earlier this month prior to onset.
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-1, NA
number: CO-JF-1
obs_date: 01/19/2022
obs_time: 07:40 AM
Submitted: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
staname: Denver 11.0 SSW
Latitude: 39.5884
Longitude: -105.075
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: T
in past: 0
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: NA
NewSnowDepth: NA
Notes: Freezing drizzle started at 7:40am.
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-BO-522
number: CO-BO-522
obs_date: 01/14/2022
obs_time: 03:20
Submitted: Friday, January 14, 2022
staname: Boulder 2.3 SSE
Latitude: 39.9967
Longitude: -105.2345
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Soft
damage: no damage
comments: This hail was accompanied by snow, not rain. Any answers about rain actually refer to snow in this log, i.e., there was more hail than snow, and the hail started after the snow.
duration: 4
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
angle: vertical
samples: False
3 years, 1 month
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-JF-484, 0.42
number: CO-JF-484
obs_date: 01/14/2022
obs_time: 07:10 PM
Submitted: Friday, January 14, 2022
staname: Evergreen 1.8 N
Latitude: 39.659976
Longitude: -105.3404
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.42
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.35
in past: 462
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 7.0
NewSnowDepth: 5.9
Notes: Persistent snow for more than 9 hrs straight. Terrible road conditions
3 years, 1 month