CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-922, 1.19
number: CO-LR-922
obs_date: 12/29/2022
obs_time: 01:00 AM
Submitted: Thursday, December 29, 2022
staname: Berthoud 4.4 WSW
Latitude: 40.2843
Longitude: -105.1608
location: True
TotalPcpn: 1.19
PcpnDurationAmt: 1.19
in past: 420
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 9.0
NewSnowDepth: 8.8
Notes: Now just flurries. 0.21" rain between 5pm and 6:55pm, then changed to snow. Total snow accumulation of 8.8" of snow in 6 hours, with additional 0.98" liquid. Very light winds until 11:15pm, when winds became NE at 10-15 mph. Disappointing that there was never a Winter Weather Advisory or Winter Storm Warning issued for my location, despite easily reaching Winter Storm Warning criteria.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, NA
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 12/28/2022
obs_time: 11:00 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 420
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 9.0
NewSnowDepth: 9.0
Notes: About 4" in the last 2 h, snow is moderate now, also a slight wind maybe from the NW, temp 31.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-922, 0.83
number: CO-LR-922
obs_date: 12/28/2022
obs_time: 11:00 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
staname: Berthoud 4.4 WSW
Latitude: 40.2843
Longitude: -105.1608
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.83
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.83
in past: 300
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 6.0
NewSnowDepth: 5.8
Notes: Moderate rain from 515pm-655pm, then changed to moderate/heavy snow. Still heavy snow at 11pm. 5.7" so far, yet no Winter Weather Advisory or Winter Storm Warning here.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-8, 0.92
number: CO-BO-8
obs_date: 12/28/2022
obs_time: 10:00 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
staname: Lafayette 0.4 WSW
Latitude: 39.9925
Longitude: -105.1057
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.92
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.86
in past: 300
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 6.0
NewSnowDepth: 6.1
Notes: Very light rain began 1515, R/R+ after 1700, a few snowflakes 1830, all snow 1900. Large flakes for an hour or so, then smaller flakes but still S. .28" in rain, .64" in gauge with 6.1" measured at 2200.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, NA
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 12/28/2022
obs_time: 09:15 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 300
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 5.0
NewSnowDepth: 5.0
Notes: All snow since ~1800, approximately 0.5 by 1900, 2.0 by 2000. 2-3"/hour since ~1900. 32.3 and S+ now with calm winds.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, 0.16
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 12/28/2022
obs_time: 06:10 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.16
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.16
in past: 120
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: T
NewSnowDepth: 0.0
Notes: Rain began to mix with snow ~555 pm, now mostly big snowflakes and temp at 36. Precip began around 415-430pm, 0.02" rain at 5pm. The 0.16" of rain could be a record at my place for a late December event.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-BO-67, NA
number: CO-BO-67
obs_date: 12/21/2022
obs_time: 10:15 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 21, 2022
staname: Boulder 4.7 E
Latitude: 39.999614
Longitude: -105.179377
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 300
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: 5.0
NewSnowDepth: 5.0
Notes: After a mighty FROPA at 420pm with temp dropping from 41 to 16 in 10 min, then down to +4 by 5pm when snow began. 0.5" by 6pm then snow increased to S+, becoming S to S+ after about 8pm. Went down to S- at 10pm but has picked up to S again. Current temp is -7 with a light SE wind gusting to 8 mph.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS IntensePcpn: CO-LR-918, NA
number: CO-LR-918
obs_date: 12/21/2022
obs_time: 04:45 PM
Submitted: Wednesday, December 21, 2022
staname: Wellington 3.7 WNW
Latitude: 40.72275
Longitude: -105.06796
location: True
TotalPcpn: NA
PcpnDurationAmt: NA
in past: 13
tm_units: mins
TotalSnowDepth: NA
NewSnowDepth: NA
Notes: 45 degrees to 3 degrees in 13 minutes. Still dropping. The front is here in a cloud of dust (literally). Wind northeast 24 gusting to 35 knots. No snow yet, just blowing dust.
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-DG-314
number: CO-DG-314
obs_date: 12/07/2022
obs_time: 04:27
Submitted: Wednesday, December 7, 2022
staname: Castle Rock 1.7 E
Latitude: 39.375007
Longitude: -104.820541
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Soft, White Ice
duration: 2
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: Before rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
angle: 30-40
samples: False
2 years, 2 months
CoCoRaHS Hail: CO-AR-105
number: CO-AR-105
obs_date: 12/02/2022
obs_time: 12:22
Submitted: Friday, December 2, 2022
staname: Denver 6.3 SSE
Latitude: 39.679172
Longitude: -104.880848
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Soft
damage: no damage
comments: This was more likely graupel, than hail, was very small, very soft, did bounce some, didn't break apart when they bounced, maintained an ovoid to spherical shape, melted in about 3 minutes, or when pushed by a finger, was from a nearly cloudless sky, and mostly, happened while there was sunshine
duration: 10
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started:
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
distance: 3
samples: False
2 years, 3 months