number: CO-JF-331
obs_date: 06/29/2023
obs_time: 01:36
Submitted: Thursday, June 29, 2023
staname: Golden 12.5 NW
Latitude: 39.88175
Longitude: -105.390301
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.500
smallest: 0.375
average: 0.500
consistency: Hard, White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: Rather unusual hail event recorded on deck cam. Some very light rain fell
starting at 1:22p or 14minutes prior to the hail, but rain seemed to end or was
unobservably light during the hail event starting at 1:36p. Hail was very sparse, no more
than a few hundred or so stones fell over my 200sq ft deck in 4.5 minutes. Much more
impressive hail downtown in Denver, and in the two additional hail storms I drove through
to get home today.
duration: 5
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
angle: 10-20
samples: False