number: CO-LR-735
obs_date: 05/08/2021
obs_time: 11:07
Submitted: Sunday, May 9, 2021
staname: Lyons 6.4 NW
Latitude: 40.279737
Longitude: -105.36362
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.250
average: 0.250
consistency: Hard
damage: no damage
comments: about 11:07 pm it rained very heavy and small pea size hail fell..spaced about
1/2" apart (the whole time); it came at a sharp angle from the east. At 11:13 one big
lighting and a pause and thunder. The rain slowed down. At 11:19pm sparse hail and rain,
and 43 degrees. The deck was wet (thoroughly). At 11:24 hail was done but still raining
(normal strength now). I went to bed so dont know how long it lasted after that. In
morning the deck was dry; and it was sunny.
duration: 17
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: Same time as rain
Largest hail started: Same time as smaller hail
distance: .5
samples: False