number: CO-JF-573
obs_date: 05/25/2023
obs_time: 04:01
Submitted: Thursday, May 25, 2023
staname: Conifer 1.8 SSE
Latitude: 39.496074
Longitude: -105.288788
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.250
smallest: 0.100
average: 0.100
consistency: Hard, White Ice
damage: no damage
comments: No hail pad at my station.
Lightning/thunder began at 3 pm.
Moderate rain begain at 3:33. Very dark skies and lightning.
3:56 heavy rainfall. 3:57 light hail rice sized began.
4:00 heavy rainfall and close lightning.
4:07 heavier hail fell still white and rice sized. This turned to rice sized, and still
white hail.
Temp dropped to 44 degrees by 4:24
duration: 13
accuracy: 1min
timing: Continuous
more rain: True
hail started: After rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
samples: False