number: CO-DG-245
obs_date: 08/28/2023
obs_time: 06:45
Submitted: Monday, August 28, 2023
staname: Castle Rock 0.5 NNW
Latitude: 39.3859
Longitude: -104.85293
location: True
am_pm: PM
largest: 0.875
smallest: 0.250
average: 0.500
consistency: Hard
damage: minor leaf damage.shredded dents
comments: Mainly a hail storm have had 6-8 this year but this was the largest hail of the
season at this location, 3/4" top end maybe up to 1.0" but isolated larger
stones and I did not go out during event so they experienced some melt. 1" likely
top end, larger than 1" not likely.
duration: 15
accuracy: 10min
timing: Continuous
more rain: False
hail started: Same time as rain
Largest hail started: After smaller hail
samples: True