number: CO-LR-735
obs_date: 11/25/2019
obs_time: 11:45 PM
Submitted: Tuesday, November 26, 2019
staname: Lyons 6.4 NW
Latitude: 40.279737
Longitude: -105.36362
location: True
TotalPcpn: 0.00
PcpnDurationAmt: 0.00
in past: 600
tm_units: mins
Flooding: No
TotalSnowDepth: 14.0
NewSnowDepth: 14.0
Notes: Snow started around 1:45pm; it was 28 degrees. Small round hard pea size snow fell,
and by 2:30pm the ground was covered solidly with snow, but not in inches. It was snowing
every time I looked outside, all day. After sunset at 6pm there was almost 4 inches. At
9pm there was 9 inches. At 11:45pm, time of this report, there was 12 inches. When I went
outside to measure the snow, the tree next to my deck dropped a ton of snow; I guess it is
too light to hold together on the branches. It is very light snow and you could brush it
with a broom. The deepest part is 15 inches; I did not go out into the middle of the yard
to see if it was different. On the railing it was 12 inches. This report covers from
1:45pm to 11:45pm=10 hours. It is still snowing, enough to make me wet when I went
inside. I took an additional measurement to confirm, as the gauge was overflowing with
snow and I wanted to make sure I had it right.