Time: 903 AM Sat September 14, 2024 Forecaster: Aaron O'Brien

Heavy Precipitation Outlook
Flash Flood Prediction Program

Dry, Warm, and Calmer Conditions for The District Today
Similar conditions as yesterday with weak zonal flow in the upper atmosphere, which will continue to inhibit any sort of convection today with weak downsloping drying out what little moisture is left. Precipitable water values continue to lower with 0.35”-0.40”, with no rainfall expected. Winds today will likely remain below 10 mph with no gusty conditions and yesterday’s haze has moved out of the State of Colorado. Overall conditions will be warm, dry, and overall pleasant.
STORM RAINFALL POTENTIAL AND DURATION: No rainfall is expected within the District today.

A LOOK AHEAD: Moisture conditions and afternoon temperatures will remain relatively the same for tomorrow with PWAT values remaining around 0.40”, which will likely limit most convection. A possible weak short wave could move through The District, depending on how south and east the Jet Stream will dig into the Desert Southwest. This will create a SSW to NNE storm motion, which can inhibit some moisture due to downsloping off the Palmer Divide and partly the Front Range, but convection will entirely depend on the positioning of the Jet Stream. If this short wave does reach The District, any convection will likely not produce much due to the low moisture content and downsloping. Monday’s chances for precipitation increases as this low pressure system associated with the digging Jet Stream introduces more moisture into The District, but by Tuesday and Wednesday, zonal flow returns and decreases the precipitation chances significantly. This zonal pattern is likely to continue through the rest of the week and into the beginning of the weekend.
